Zhengzhou Base(http://www.hagis.cn)of the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage under the Auspices of UNESCO (HIST - ZB) was founded in 2013, supported by the Institute of Geography, Henan Academy of Sciences. The Base has 12 personnel, most of them young researchers. HIST-ZB has a lot of scientific research platforms such as the International Technology Cooperation Base of Digital Environmental Archaeology of Henan Province, Distinguished Researcher Position of Henan Province in Digital Environmental Archaeology, Digital Key Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology combined by Henan Province and CAS, Cultural Relics Survey and Design Qualification of Class B. In recent years, HIST-ZB has invested more than 10 million yuan to purchase a large number of equipments and experimental devices. These devices are of two types: spatial information acquisition and analysis equipment, age determination and ancient environmental analysis equipment. Spatial information processing equipment includes 3D laser scanner, low-altitude UAV, RTK-GPS, digital aerial photography instrument, optical aerial apparatus, feature spectrum instrument, the hyperspectral imager, 120-degree spherical screen, servers, and spatial information processing software. The age determination and ancient environmental analysis lab includes C14 laboratory dating, OSL laboratory, pollen laboratory, granularity laboratories, magnetic susceptibility laboratory, elemental analysis laboratory, etc. Based on these equipment and laboratories, HIST-ZB is able to independently complete the entire process of digital environmental archaeology research from spatial data acquisition, analysis, visualization to age determination and ancient environmental rebuilding. Zhengzhou Base has been involved in more than 50 different scientific research projects, including some with the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Major Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China in recent 5 years. More than 30 articles/books have been published, including many SCI, EI and journal papers. More than 10 scientific research achievements have been completed, out of which two were rewarded with the Henan Scientific and Technological Progress Prize. Many research results have been applied on the ground by the Cultural Relics Management departments and the scientific research units, and have consistently been highly praised. HIST-ZB has established networks and has developed many cooperativeies with the United States Washington University in St. Louis, Institute for Archaeological and Architectural Heritage, National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, National Research Council of Italy, Australia Melbourne University, Aerospace Information Research Institute of CAS, Institute of Geology and Geophysics of CAS, Institute of Archaeology of CASS, Peking University, Henan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Henan University, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou Institution of Cultural Relics and Archaeology etc.
Based on the glorious ancient civilizational history of Central China and supported by space information technology, HIST-ZB will devote itself to cultural heritage and digital environmental archaeology research. This research field conforms to the "One Belt & One Road", "The Chinese Civilization Heritage Innovation Area of Central Plains Economic Zone" and other important strategies, and the related development plan of countries and the Henan province. HIST-ZB will also provide new research value and maintain the historical role.