1. UNESCO Designated Sites and Their Key Role in SDG's Implenmatation.pdf
2. 中国世界自然遗产和世界地质公园发展与展望.pdf
3. 人与生物圈计划的黄山实践.pdf
4. 加大努力,保护自然与文化遗产.pdf
1. Space-eye of radar interferometry promote the sustainable conservation of Angkor World Heritage s
2. Community engagement and Technology in monitoring of the GMU-BR [Compatibility Mode].pdf
3. LCLU Ngorongoro NDVI Analysis of Vegetation Health as Indicator of Enviromental Change.pdf
4. Geoinfomatics for the Conservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage in Support of the UN Sustai
1. Relevance of DRR Activities in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.pdf
2. Overview of Disaster Risk Reduction of Natural UNESCO Designated SItes.pdf
3. Treatment of Natural Hazard at UNESCO World Heritage Site.pdf
4. 遥感助力遗产地自然灾害监测-英文版.pdf
5. Disaster Risk Assessment and Mitigation for WHS & Heritage Settlements in Nepal.pdf
1. Multi-stakeholder Engagement for the Sustainable Development of UNESCO Designated Sites.pdf
2. 三生融合视角下的黄山世界遗产地保护与利用新路径.pdf
3. Sri Lankan Experience on Multi-stakeholder Engagement for the Sustainable Development of UNESCO D
4. 在可持续发展方面的可再生能源应用潜力和案例.pdf
5. StakehodlerInvolvement in Sustainability Science.pdf
6. 世界生物圈保护区保护发展理念在中国黄山的实践.pdf
1. 自然遗产旅游与生态文明建设f.pdf
2. UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism.pdf
3. 从黄山风景区到到黄山国家公园.pdf
4. Wilderness Area World Heritage Sites Eco-civilization.pdf
1.Extract Information and Knowledge From Big Data For Documentation, Monitoring and Preservation of
2. world Heritage and Human Suttlement.pdf
3. Asia-Pacific Plan of Action on Space Applications for Sustainable Development (2018-2030) (1).pd
4. (自然)遗产地于乡村社区协调发展探讨.pdf
5. 案例自然遗产地主要价值要素监测与评价.pdf