RRF grant awarded to rebuild the Okapi Wildlife Reserve
On June 24, a group of
armed rebels attacked the headquarters of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve, situated
in the north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, killing seven park
staff- and their family members. Others were taken hostage or are unaccounted for.
The entire Reserve infrastructure was destroyed and the 15 okapi of the Epulu
Breeding and Research Station were all killed. Epulu plays a central role in
protecting the future of the okapi by serving as a reservoir for the infusion
of new genetic stock into okapi populations in global conservation programmes.
The Reserve, inscribed on the list of World
Heritage in Danger since 1997, is home to about 5,000 okapi, the rare
giraffe-like forest creature, as well as significant populations of leopard,
elephant, chimpanzee and crocodile. Its birdlife makes it one of the most
important sites for bird conservation in mainland Africa and nomadic Mbuti
pygmies life within the Reserve.
The RRF (Rapid Response Facility) programme
received an application from the Wildlife Conservation Society’s DRC programme,
which is active at the site, seeking funds to resume critical functions at the
Reserve headquarters. The RRF was pleased to respond positively and in the
quickest time since the Facility was created in 2006 with the decision being
made to award funds on the same day that a final version of the application was
received. This grant is of US$ 30,000, which represents the highest possible
amount that can be donated by the RRF programme.
The funds awarded by the RRF will contribute
towards evaluating the needs of the DRC’s national protected areas authority,
l’Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature, in the aftermath of
this crisis, as well as re-instituting the most fundamental activities at Epulu
in terms of site administration and Reserve protection. Lastly the funds will
help to support the guards and families whose lives have been uprooted by this
tragic event.
Additionally to the support provided through
the RRF grant, in conjunction with UNESCO the RRF has launched an appeal to
raise extra public fund to support this site as it recovers from the rebel
The objective of this appeal is to raise
$120,000 which is the amount estimated as necessary to help the families of the
victims and repair the Reserve’s headquarters.
As of today, the donations have only reached
23,179£ which represents 28% of the amount needed for the Okapi Wildlife
Reserve. Therefore, the fundraising campaign has been extended until July 31.
All the proceeds from this appeal will be given to the NGO Wildlife
Conservation Society.